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Our Approach

We understand the unique challenges and demands of our clients, and we are dedicated to delivering solutions that meet and exceed expectations.

How we do it

  • Great product range

    We offer an extensive range of products, including Autodesk software such as 3ds Max,  Maya and more. Additionally, we provide other industry-leading software solutions like Adobe Creative Suite, V-Ray, ZBrush, and Cinema 4D.

    We also offer a comprehensive range of hardware solutions. Whether you need workstations, render nodes, storage, or networking equipment, we have you covered.

  • We love creativity

    At Bluegfx, we recognise that our inspirational customers are the idea creators, and we are here to bring those ideas to life. We understand the power of creativity and are passionate about helping it flourish.

    We strive to be more than just a technology provider; we want to be your perfect IT department. Our team is always readily available, equipped with the latest expertise to support you every step of the way.

  • Totally flexible

    At Bluegfx, we are dedicated to supporting start-ups, indies, and smaller creative firms. We understand that you have unique goals and aspirations, and we are here to provide the necessary resources to help you grow.

    Our goal is to become an integral part of your journey, offering not only technology but also the support and direction you need to succeed.

  • Outstanding Support

    We understand that each client has unique IT support needs so we offer a range of support packages tailored to different client levels, ensuring that we can meet your requirements and budget while maintaining the highest standards of quality and speed.

    We are committed to resolving any technical issues promptly and efficiently, minimising any disruptions to your workflow.

  • Personal service

    At Bluegfx, we pride ourselves on being a one-stop-shop for our clients. We understand the importance of convenience and efficiency and, as a non-biased intermediary, we provide an easy-access contact point for users to bypass the manufacturer and streamline their procurement process.



ceo of figment productions
bluegfx adviser
ceo of jellyfish pictures
two men looking at computer graphic workstation on two screens

Let's Talk

Got a project in mind?

Call us for a chat today

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to find out how we can help!

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